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Sensory Cranial Nerves

Last updated on Tuesday, July 9 2013 by jdmiles

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Sensory Cranial Nerves

This section introduces the cranial nerves that provide sensory information. The nerves carrying general somatic sensation, visceral sensation, and the sensation of taste are described in detail. Audition, olfaction, and vision are introduced but described in detail in later sections.

By the end of this section, make certain that you understand what each of these terms mean, and can apply them appropriately.  If applicable, make sure you can find each item on a whole brain, brain section, or image of a brain.

  • trigeminal nerve
  • trigeminal ganglion
  • pontine sensory nucleus of nerve V
  • spinal nucleus of nerve V
  • mesencephalic nucleus of nerve V
  • trigeminothalamic tract
  • ventral posteromedial nucleus (VPM)
  • vagus nerve (X)
  • glossopharyngeal nerve (IX)
  • trigeminospinal tract & nucleus
  • referred pain
  • solitary nucleus
  • solitary tract
  • cardio-pulmonary area of solitary nucleus
  • gustatory area of solitary nucleus
  • taste bud
  • primary gustatory cortex
  • solitariothalamic tract
  • trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux)
  • jaw reflex (jaw jerk reflex)

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