FrontalCortex, Inc. is a non-profit corporation dedicated to neurology education. Web 2.0 Policy


The information provided on is designed to provide educational resources for people already in the health professions or in school preparing to become a member of one of the health professions. This information is designed to supplement, not replace, the curriculum of an accredited educational institution. This information is NOT intended to replace the relationship between a patient and his/her own physician. Patients seeking health information are directed to communicate with their own licensed health care provider. allows registered users to post information to this website. As this is an educational site, posters may or may not be medical personnel. Any user who posts information is requested to provide some basic biographical information, including their age and stated level of education. This information is made visible to any registered user who is logged in to the website. At this time, does not verify the stated level of education of the users.

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Users posting content to the site should be 18 years of age or older. Exceptions will be made for those under 18 who can provide documentation proving that they are currently enrolled in or have graduated from medical school, nursing school, or a health-related graduate school program.

Please only post information that is true and correct to the best of your knowledge.

All posted information is reviewed by a site within 7 days. Site editors, such jdmiles and/or gliageek, are physicians board-certified in their respective fields of expertise. Individual content posts content purported to be factual will be removed if clearly erroneous. Posted content that is erroneous but that generates useful discussion will not necessarily be removed, provided accurate factual teaching points arise as part of the discussion. Posts that are considered offensive, abusive, and otherwise inappropriate for this site will be removed.

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At this time, all editors are volunteers and do not receive financial compensation from Editors are requested to alert if any conflict of interest may exist.

Please provide a searchable, trustworthy reference (preferably an ISBN or PMID number or OMIM number) for any educational information posted to the site. Exceptions may be made for the description of personal experiences, if they are clearly stated to be personal experiences. If describing experiences you have had with patients, please do not include any information that may allow anyone to personally identify the patient you are discussing.

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