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Peroneal Motor Nerve - recording the Extensor Digitorum Brevis

Last updated on Wednesday, April 29 2009 by blondarb

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Origin:  L5-S1 roots, sacral plexus, sciatic nerve, peroneal nerve

Recording Site:  Extensor Digitorum Brevis muscle (EDB)

Reference Site:  Top of foot below the 4th and 5th toes

Ground:  Top of foot

Stimulation Sites:  Ankle, below fibular neck and knee

Procedure:  The recording electrode is placed over the belly of the EDB.  The reference electrode is placed on the top of the foot, just below the web space of the 4th and 5th toes.  Stimulation occurs at the top of the ankle by the distal ankle crease and at the knee, directly under the biceps femoris tendon and parallel to the knee cap. The distance between the G1 electrode and the distal stimulating site is 6-8 cm.  Additional stimulation sites include below the fibular head.