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Flexor Hallucis Brevis

Last updated on Wednesday, June 17 2009 by blondarb

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Muscle Name: flexor hallucis brevis

AKA:  musculus flexor hallucis brevis

Abbreviation: FHB

Spinal Nerve Roots:
    lumbosacral plexus

Named Nerves:
    medial plantar nerve

    tibial nerve

    sciatic nerve

Proximal Attachment:  lantar surface of cuboid

Distal Attachment:  medial and lateral sesamoid bones of first metatarsal

Action: Flexion of the halux and stabilize the great to at "toe off".

Needle Insertion: On the medial aspect of the foot approximately one centimeters proximal to the metatrarsalphalnageal joint of the great toe.

Activation for EMG:  Have the patient flext the big toe.



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