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Vascular Disease 3: Vascular anomalies

Last updated on Friday, April 17 2009 by gliageek

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Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are the most clinically significant of the congenital vascular malformations (the others are less likely to become symptomatic and are more frequently incidental findings on examination of the brain for other reasons).  AVMs are congenital arterio-venous shunts or connections without intervening capillary beds.  Two thirds are diagnosed before the age of forty.  Ninety percent are in the cerebral hemispheres and most of these are in the middle cerebral artery distribution. AVMs tend to present either with intracerebral hemorrhages or seizures.

Welsh, Cynthia T. Vascular Lesions of the Nervous System. Pathology Case Reviews: November/December 2008 - Volume 13 - Issue 6 - pp 241-246