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Skull Foramina 01

Topic: Anatomy

Created on Saturday, February 9 2008 by jdmiles

Last modified on Sunday, December 22 2024.

You've got a lot of holes in your head. Which one of them does CN X pass through?

        A) Jugular foramen, pars vascularis
        B) Pterygopalatine canal
        C) Vestibular aqueduct
        D) Superior orbital fissure
        E) Hypoglossal canal


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This question was created on February 09, 2008 by jdmiles.
This question was last modified on December 22, 2024.























A) jugular foramen, pars vascularis

This answer is correct.

Vagus nerve (CN X) passes through the jugular foramen, pars vascularis.

  (See References)

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B) pterygopalatine canal

This answer is incorrect.

Vagus nerve (CN X) passes through the jugular foramen, pars vascularis. It does not pass through the pterygopalatine canal.  (See References)

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C) vestibular aqueduct

This answer is incorrect.

Vagus nerve (CN X) passes through the jugular foramen, pars vascularis. It does not pass through the vestibular aqueduct.  (See References)

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D) superior orbital fissure

This answer is incorrect.

CN VI, CN IV, CN V-1, and CN III pass through the superior orbital fissure, but CN X does not.  (See References)

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E) hypoglossal canal

This answer is incorrect.

CN XII passes through the hypoglossal canal, but CN X does not.  (See References)

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1. David L. Felten, Ralph F., Md. Jozefowicz, Frank H., Md. Netter, . Netter's Atlas of Human Neuroscience. ICON Learning Systems (ISBN:1929007167)Advertising:
2. Robert I. Grossman, David M. Yousem. Neuroradiology: the requisites. Philadelphia, Pa. : Mosby, c2003. (ISBN:9780323005081)Advertising:
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Skull Foramina 01
Question ID: 02090801
Question written by J. Douglas Miles, (C) 2006-2009, all rights reserved.
Created: 02/09/2008
Modified: 12/22/2024
Estimated Permutations: 37758000

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