Which of the following areas is associated with regulation of sleep and secretion of hypocretin?
Hypothalamic Functions 01Topic: AnatomyCreated on Tuesday, October 16 2007 by jdmiles Last modified on Tuesday, October 16 2007. Which of the following areas is associated with regulation of sleep and secretion of hypocretin? A) Dorsal raphe nucleus B) Mammilary bodies C) Posterior pituitary D) Tubulomammilary nucleus E) Lateral hypothalamic area
This question was last modified on October 16, 2007.
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Orexin (also called hypocretin), a substance associated with regulation of sleep, appetite, and arousal, is secreted by neurons of the lateral hypothalamic area.
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Orexin (also called hypocretin), a substance associated with regulation of sleep, appetite, and arousal, is secreted by neurons of the lateral hypothalamic area.
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Orexin (also called hypocretin), a substance associated with regulation of sleep, appetite, and arousal, is secreted by neurons of the lateral hypothalamic area.
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