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Infections 11

Topic: Imaging

Created on Thursday, February 14 2013 by gliageek

Last modified on Thursday, February 14 2013.

Which of the following histopathological features as responsible for contrast enhancement associated with cerebral abscess?

        A) Necrosis
        B) Astrocytosis
        C) Pus
        D) Collagen
        E) Granulation tissue


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This question was created on February 14, 2013 by gliageek.
This question was last modified on February 14, 2013.























A) Necrosis

This answer is incorrect.

Along with pus, necrosis is present within the dark central portion of the cerebral abscess on Gadolinium enhanced T1-weighted MRI  (See References)

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B) Astrocytosis

This answer is incorrect.

The astrocytic reaction to cerebral abscess does not include development of leaky blood vessels, and hence the reactive astrocytosis around the cerebral abscess does not demonstrate contrast enhancement.  (See References)

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C) Pus

This answer is incorrect.

Along with necrosis, pus is present within the dark central portion of the cerebral abscess on Gadolinium enhanced T1-weighted MRI  (See References)

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D) Collagen

This answer is incorrect.

Once granulation tissue has matured into collagen, the blood vessels have developed tight junctions, and no longer leak contrast  (See References)

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E) Granulation tissue

This answer is correct.

Granulation tissue is composed of fibroblast and immature capillaries, which allow intravenous contrast to escape into the tissue.  (See References)

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1. Smirniotopoulos, J.G., Murphy, F.M., Rushing, E.J., Rees, J.H., and Schroeder, J.W. (). "Patterns of contrast enhancement in the brain and meninges." Radiographics, 27(2) 525-51. (PMID:17374867)
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Infections 11
Question ID: 021413092
Question written by gliageek. (C) 2006-2009, all rights reserved. Created: 02/14/2013
Modified: 02/14/2013
Estimated Permutations: 120

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