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Motor nerve conduction study normal values

Topic: Pharmacology

Created on Thursday, July 6 2006 by

Last modified on Wednesday, December 31 1969.

You are performing a motor nerve conduction test on an adult.
You are testing the peroneal nerve, recording at the tibialis anterior muscle.
Which of the following is the best choice for the distal distance?

        A) 7 cm
        B) 17 cm
        C) 1 cm
        D) 16 cm
        E) 13 cm


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This question was created on July 06, 2006 by .
This question was last modified on December 31, 1969.























A) 7 cm

This answer is correct.

When performing a motor nerve conduction test on the peroneal nerve, testing at the tibialis anterior, the distal distance should be between 5 and 10 cm.  (See References)

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B) 17 cm

This answer is incorrect.

When performing a motor nerve conduction test on the peroneal nerve, testing at the tibialis anterior, the distal distance should be between 5 and 10 cm.  (See References)

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C) 1 cm

This answer is incorrect.

When performing a motor nerve conduction test on the peroneal nerve, testing at the tibialis anterior, the distal distance should be between 5 and 10 cm.  (See References)

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D) 16 cm

This answer is incorrect.

When performing a motor nerve conduction test on the peroneal nerve, testing at the tibialis anterior, the distal distance should be between 5 and 10 cm.  (See References)

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E) 13 cm

This answer is incorrect.

When performing a motor nerve conduction test on the peroneal nerve, testing at the tibialis anterior, the distal distance should be between 5 and 10 cm.  (See References)

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1. Preston, D.C., and Shapiro, B.E. (2005). Electromyography and Neuromuscular Disorders: Clinical-Electrophysiologic Correlations, 2nd Edition. Elsevier, Philadelphia. Pp. 663-666.
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Motor nerve conduction study normal values
Question ID: 707200601
Question written by . (C) 2006-2009, all rights reserved. Created: 07/06/2006
Modified: 12/31/1969
Estimated Permutations: 0

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