The FrontalCortex question bank can help you study for the Residency Inservice Training Exam (RITE exam).

What's New

19 user entries

user_forums Welcome! Feb 10, 2007 @ 06:41

Welcome to!

This web site was started as a resource for neurology residents, medical students studying neurology, and medical personnel in the field of neurology. has many useful resources. There is a section with downloadable software for your PDA. Programs include an NIH stroke scale and an acid-base disorder pocket quiz.

There is also an ever-growing bank of multiple-choice questions to help you study. These questions aren't like other review questions you've seen - they change every time you reload them!

Right now, you're looking at the latest feature: the capacity for users to leave comments. You can talk about the upcoming RITE exam, leave feedback on the software or quiz bank, or suggest helpful links or improvements to the site. You can even create your own questions for the quiz bank.

Enjoy the site, and come back often!


user_forums Random Question Feb 17, 2007 @ 07:23
Now, every time you use the question bank, you have the option of choosing a random question. This should help to simulate the wonderful feeling of taking an actual exam. Who knows what the next question will be about? Give it a try. -jdm


user_forums Re: Random Question Feb 20, 2007 @ 02:54
I like the random question option. It helps keep me on my toes.


user_forums Re: Re: Random Question Feb 20, 2007 @ 12:20
Thanks! -jdm

user_forums New Buttons on Question Pages Mar 19, 2007 @ 10:59

There are some new buttons on the question pages.

The old functions are still there (back to the top of the page, see a similar question, see a random question), but with a cleaner looking layout. There is also a new button: "Rate this question." It's the one that looks like a bar graph. This will allow you to submit your opinion of the question. The average user rating shows up to the right of this button (as a scale of 1 to 5 brains). This rating system will help weed out the less helpful questions. The rating system will also play a key role in the upcoming question contest.

Check back soon for details.


user_forums Journal Headlines Mar 19, 2007 @ 11:03

There is now a page which shows headlines from several key journals, including Neurology, Archives of Neurology, JAMA, and NEJM.

Each headline is hyperlinked to the journal article.



user_forums Change Password Mar 21, 2007 @ 23:00
There is now a tab which will allow you to change your password. Look for it on the tabstrip on the left, under "User Resources." -jdm

user_forums Question Contest Mar 26, 2007 @ 01:40
The April Question Contest is now up and running! Submit an original question on Movement Disorders by April 30, 2007 to qualify to win 100 dollars (US). -jdm

user_forums WYSIWYG Apr 28, 2007 @ 02:06

There is now a WYSIWYG editor for comments and question submissions.


user_forums ISBN and PubMed Numbers for references Apr 28, 2007 @ 02:09
It's now a lot easier to create your own question.

In the question form (the general one, not the one for the contest), you can now enter the PubMed id of a journal article or the  ISBN number of a textbook.  No more having to enter the citation by hand!


user_forums Comments and Forums May 15, 2007 @ 14:46

New things!

I've heard a lot of suggestions about the comment system, and I've tried implementing these changes. Users can now provide feedback in several areas of the site, with forums that appear at the bottom of the page. You must be logged in to add to these forums, but you should be able to read them anytime.

Users can now also start their own threads for forums, in the "Forums" section.

You can also now reply directly to prior forum entries, and view the entries in chronological or reverse chronological order.

Also, you can now go back and edit or delete your previous forum entries, so long as nobody has yet replied to that particular entry.

I hope you find these changes helpful. 



user_forums "Forgot Password" feature Jun 09, 2007 @ 10:15
I've added a new "Forgot Password" feature to
For privacy reasons, nobody knows a user's password except that user. Even I have no way to see your passwords.
However, since passwords get lost, I've just added a feature that lets people get a new randomly-generated password e-mailed to them.

Here's how it works:
  1. When you go to, on the left hand side, you'll see a grey tab labeled "change password." Click this.
  2. You'll see a dialog prompting you for a bunch of information, including your old password. Ignore this.
  3. Instead, click the link that says, "if you can't remember your old password, click here."
  4. Fill in your name and user id, and hit the submit button.
  5. A new password will be emailed to you.
Hope you find this helpful.

- jdm

user_forums Privacy Policy Jun 23, 2007 @ 09:52

At long last, after much procrastination, I have finally posted the privacy policy for

In summary, does not share your personal info with 3rd parties.

If you post stuff (e.g., new questions, new mnemonics, forums) some basic info about you will be posted on the site, such as your name, country, stated level of education, and your brief statement about yourself.  This is for maintaining the quality of posts only.

I invite you to read the policy for further details.  


user_forums Question Contest - Win Cash! Dec 01, 2007 @ 15:14

There's a new question contest which is going on now.

The prize money increases as time goes on, but only the first 100 questions will get entered into the contest. I think you'd better enter now.



user_forums Re: Question Contest - Win Cash! Dec 01, 2007 @ 15:26
Here's the link for the question contest!

user_forums Lots of New Stuff Nov 15, 2008 @ 10:04

There are a lot of new features on FrontalCortex which have been added over the past few months.

Most significantly, we've added the ability for users to create and maintain multimedia online courses.  Check out the "courses" tab.  You'll find an online course in neuropathology, which is still in it's early stages, but which features over 800 fantastic neuropathology images, and several video lectures, posted by gliageek.

There are also a ton of new questions posted by rednucleus, who maintains another free neurology review site (

Thanks to everyone who has contributed.

Enjoy FrontalCortex!

user_forums Videos can now be viewed in full-screen mode Feb 22, 2009 @ 09:28


There are several videos on numerous topics posted on the site.  Previously, you've only been able to watch them in one size.  Now, when you click the "full screen" button on the video, and it should fill your screen.

If you have any difficulties with this, please email me.

Also, if you want to upload a video to the site, please feel free to do so.  Contact me if you need any help.


user_forums Millionth Hit Nov 02, 2009 @ 19:45
FrontalCortex has now had over 1 million hits!

user_forums FrontalCortex, Inc. Mar 08, 2010 @ 10:29

On March 5, 2010, we filed articles of incorporation for FrontalCortex Inc., a non-profit educational corporation in the state of Arizona. 

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