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Question Contest

3 user entries

user_forums Question Contest Dec 01, 2007 @ 15:22


So the new Question Contest is up and running.

Here's how it works:  the next 100 questions that get submitted to will be entered into the contest. This time around, the question can be on any topic in neurology.  The questions can be targeted for a medical student, resident, fellow or attending level.  Then, we'll wait 30 days, to make sure everyone gets a chance to enter their ratings.  The question with the highest rating wins the cash. 

Certain other basic restrictions and rules apply.  See the contest rules for details. 

Any questions? Lemme know.



user_forums Re: Question Contest Dec 01, 2007 @ 15:25
Here's the page with the contest rules.


user_forums Re: Question Contest Dec 01, 2007 @ 15:27
And here's the link to enter a new question!

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