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Neuromuscular 06

Topic: Pathology

Created on Saturday, February 14 2009 by gliageek

Last modified on Saturday, February 14 2009.

Courtesy of Dr. Mark Cohen
This NADH-TR stained muscle shows features most consistent with:

        A) Rhabdomyolysis
        B) Plaquenil myopathy
        C) Reinnervation
        D) Acid maltase deficiency
        E) Inclusion bodies


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This question was created on February 14, 2009 by gliageek.
This question was last modified on February 14, 2009.























A) Rhabdomyolysis

This answer is incorrect.

Moth-eaten fibers may be seen in some cases of rhabdomyolysis  (See References)

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B) Plaquenil myopathy

This answer is incorrect.

Choloroquine & hydroxychloroquine myopathy demonstrates multiple smaller vaculoles within muscle fibers, representing dilated lysosomes  (See References)

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C) Reinnervation

This answer is correct.

As atrophied fibers replenish contractile elements after reinnervated, central areas are initially devoid of mitochondria, sarcoplasmic reticulin and ATPase, known as target fibers  (See References)

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D) Acid maltase deficiency

This answer is incorrect.

Lysosomal glycogen storage does not show peripheral increase in NADH-TR staining  (See References)

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E) Inclusion bodies

This answer is incorrect.

These show central clearing with surrounding granular material, best seen on H&E and trichrome  (See References)

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1. Graham, D.I., and Lantos, P.L. (2002). Greenfield's Neuropathology, 7th ed. Arnold Press, New York. (ISBN:0340742313)Advertising:
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Neuromuscular 06
Question ID: 021409127
Question written by gliageek. (C) 2006-2009, all rights reserved. Created: 02/14/2009
Modified: 02/14/2009
Estimated Permutations: 120

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