Muscle Name: extensor pollicis longus
AKA: musculus extensor pollicis longus
Abbreviation: EPL
Spinal Nerve Roots:
Brachial Plexus Trunks:
middle trunk
lower trunk
Brachial Plexus Cords:
posterior cord
Named Nerves:
radial nerve
Proximal Attachment: ulna
Distal Attachment: thumb, distal phalanx
Action: extension of the thumb (metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal)
Needle Insertion: In the pronated forearm, midway between the styloid process and the lateral epicondyle, just lateral to the ulna bone and deep to the extensor indicis communis.
Activation for EMG: Extend the thumb.
Pitfalls: If the needle is placed to distal or close to the radial bone, the extensor pollicis brevis will be sampled.