FrontalCortex, Inc. is a non-profit corporation dedicated to neurology education.

Flexor Pollicis Longus

Last updated on Sunday, April 12 2009 by jdmiles

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Muscle Name: flexor pollicis longus


Abbreviation:  FPL

Spinal Nerve Roots:

Brachial Plexus Trunks:
    middle trunk
    lower trunk

Brachial Plexus Cords:
    medial cord
    lateral cord

Named Nerves:
    anterior interosseous nerve
    median nerve

Proximal Attachment:  

Distal Attachment:  

Action:  Flexion of the thumb

Needle Insertion:  From the wrist, go 1/3 of the length of the forearm proximally.  Insert close to the radius.

Activation for EMG:  

Pitfalls:  The radial nerve and artery are near this muscle.  Take care to avoid them.

Notes:  The muscle is fairly superficial, and can be approached with the needle at a shallow angle to the skin.