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Hemorrhage after IV tPA for Acute Stroke

Topic: Adult

Created on Monday, January 7 2008 by jdmiles

Last modified on Monday, January 7 2008.

A 63 year-old man has the sudden onset of left gaze deviation, facial droop, right-sided weakness, and global aphasia. This is witnessed by his aunt, who accompanies him to the emergency department, where he arrives less than 20 minutes after the onset of symptoms. She asks you about the risks and benefits of giving the patient IV tPA. Specifically, she wants to know the risk of a symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage. You tell her:

        A) Less than 1%
        B) Approximately 6%
        C) Aproximately 12%
        D) Aproximately 34%
        E) Aproximately 2%


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This question was created on January 07, 2008 by jdmiles.
This question was last modified on January 07, 2008.























A) Less than 1%

This answer is incorrect.

The risk of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage after tPA is about 6.4%. This is from the NINDS rt-PA Stroke Study Group trial which demonstrated the effectiveness of IV tPA in treating acute ischemic stroke within 3 hours of symptom onset.  (See References)

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B) Approximately 6%

This answer is correct.

The risk of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage after tPA is about 6.4%. This is from the NINDS rt-PA Stroke Study Group trial which demonstrated the effectiveness of IV tPA in treating acute ischemic stroke within 3 hours of symptom onset.  (See References)

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C) Aproximately 12%

This answer is incorrect.

The risk of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage after tPA is about 6.4%. This is from the NINDS rt-PA Stroke Study Group trial which demonstrated the effectiveness of IV tPA in treating acute ischemic stroke within 3 hours of symptom onset.  (See References)

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D) Aproximately 34%

This answer is incorrect.

The risk of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage after tPA is about 6.4%. This is from the NINDS rt-PA Stroke Study Group trial which demonstrated the effectiveness of IV tPA in treating acute ischemic stroke within 3 hours of symptom onset.  (See References)

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E) Aproximately 2%

This answer is incorrect.

The risk of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage after tPA is about 6.4%. This is from the NINDS rt-PA Stroke Study Group trial which demonstrated the effectiveness of IV tPA in treating acute ischemic stroke within 3 hours of symptom onset.  (See References)

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1. (1995). "Tissue plasminogen activator for acute ischemic stroke. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke rt-PA Stroke Study Group." N Engl J Med, 333(24) 1581-7. (PMID:7477192)
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Hemorrhage after IV tPA for Acute Stroke
Question ID: 010708162
Question written by J. Douglas Miles, (C) 2006-2009, all rights reserved.
Created: 01/07/2008
Modified: 01/07/2008
Estimated Permutations: 39600

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