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EMG Findings 01

Topic: Physiology

Created on Saturday, June 6 2009 by jdmiles

Last modified on Saturday, June 6 2009.

In the needle EMG study shown in the video above, the finding of motor unit action potentials that are large, long, and polyphasic would be most consistent with which of the following?

        A) A chronic C8 radiculopathy
        B) An acute lesion of the middle trunk
        C) An acute C7 radiculopathy
        D) An acute median mononeuropathy
        E) An acute radial mononeuropathy


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This question was created on June 06, 2009 by jdmiles.
This question was last modified on June 06, 2009.























A) A chronic C8 radiculopathy

This answer is correct.

The EMG needle study above is examining the abductor pollicis brevis (APB) muscle. This muscle is innervated by the C8 and T1 nerve roots, the lower trunk, the medial cord, and the median nerve. Large, long, and polyphasic motor unit action potentials seen on EMG would provide evidence for a chronic neuropathic process involving one of these structures. Note that, with only this one needle study, it is impossible to determine which of these structures is affected. Also, with only this one needle study, a more diffuse process (such as a peripheral polyneuropathy) cannot be excluded.  (See References)

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B) An acute lesion of the middle trunk

This answer is incorrect.

The EMG needle study above is examining the abductor pollicis brevis (APB) muscle. This muscle is innervated by the C8 and T1 nerve roots, the lower trunk, the medial cord, and the median nerve. Large, long, and polyphasic motor unit action potentials seen on EMG would provide evidence for a chronic neuropathic process involving one of these structures. Note that, with only this one needle study, it is impossible to determine which of these structures is affected. Also, with only this one needle study, a more diffuse process (such as a peripheral polyneuropathy) cannot be excluded.  (See References)

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C) An acute C7 radiculopathy

This answer is incorrect.

The EMG needle study above is examining the abductor pollicis brevis (APB) muscle. This muscle is innervated by the C8 and T1 nerve roots, the lower trunk, the medial cord, and the median nerve. Large, long, and polyphasic motor unit action potentials seen on EMG would provide evidence for a chronic neuropathic process involving one of these structures. Note that, with only this one needle study, it is impossible to determine which of these structures is affected. Also, with only this one needle study, a more diffuse process (such as a peripheral polyneuropathy) cannot be excluded.  (See References)

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D) An acute median mononeuropathy

This answer is incorrect.

The EMG needle study above is examining the abductor pollicis brevis (APB) muscle. This muscle is innervated by the C8 and T1 nerve roots, the lower trunk, the medial cord, and the median nerve. Large, long, and polyphasic motor unit action potentials seen on EMG would provide evidence for a chronic neuropathic process involving one of these structures. Note that, with only this one needle study, it is impossible to determine which of these structures is affected. Also, with only this one needle study, a more diffuse process (such as a peripheral polyneuropathy) cannot be excluded.  (See References)

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E) An acute radial mononeuropathy

This answer is incorrect.

The EMG needle study above is examining the abductor pollicis brevis (APB) muscle. This muscle is innervated by the C8 and T1 nerve roots, the lower trunk, the medial cord, and the median nerve. Large, long, and polyphasic motor unit action potentials seen on EMG would provide evidence for a chronic neuropathic process involving one of these structures. Note that, with only this one needle study, it is impossible to determine which of these structures is affected. Also, with only this one needle study, a more diffuse process (such as a peripheral polyneuropathy) cannot be excluded.  (See References)

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1. Preston, D.C., and Shapiro, B.E. (2005). Electromyography and Neuromuscular Disorders: Clinical-Electrophysiologic Correlations, 2nd Edition. Elsevier, Philadelphia. (ISBN:075067492X)Advertising:
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FrontalCortex.com -- Neurology Review Questions -- Neurology Boards -- Board Review -- Residency Inservice Training Exam -- RITE Exam Review
EMG Findings 01
Question ID: 060609115
Question written by J. Douglas Miles, (C) 2006-2009, all rights reserved.
Created: 06/06/2009
Modified: 06/06/2009
Estimated Permutations: 126000

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