There are 486 questions on various topics in Neurology in the FrontalCortex neurology question bank.

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How to use the question bank

6 user entries

help Overview Oct 06, 2007 @ 05:57

The question bank has an ever-growing number of neurology review questions.  Some were written by me, others by users.  Each one has the following features:

  • Questions will change (some subtly, some completely) each time you load the page.  How much a question changes depends on the number of permutations programmed into the question by the author.
  • All questions are required to have a list of references.  Allowable references are either journal articles (PubMed ID is required), or textbooks (ISBN is required).  Questions whose content does not accurately reflect what's written in the references are deleted from the question bank.
  • All questions permit user feedback.  There are 2 ways to give your feedback.  First, you can click the "rate this question" icon (see below) and fill out the feedback form.  Second, you can simply leave comments in the forum box at the bottom of the page.

help The RELOAD button Oct 06, 2007 @ 06:02

See another question like this one

The reload button, shown  above, will reload the same question.

Because each question is really a computer program with many permutations, when you reload the question it will look different than the last time you saw it.

Simpler questions differ only in the order in which the answers are presented.  But some questions have billions of permutations, and will look completely different when you reload them.  These questions are like having an entire question bank in one question.

Give the See another question like this one button a try.  See which questions have the most permutations.

help The RANDOM QUESTION button Oct 06, 2007 @ 06:37

Click here for a random question

The random question button, shown above, will load a random question from the database.

Use the Click here for a random question button to simulate that wonderful feeling of taking a test. You never know what's going to come next.

help The CLONE button Oct 06, 2007 @ 06:43

Clone this question

The "clone" button, shown above, lets you create a brand new question, using the current question as a template.

Let's say you like the question you're looking at, but have some ideas as to how to make it better.  Click the clone button, and edit the content of the question, and save it as a new question.  Now you've got exactly the question you want.

Try the Clone this question button and help grow the question bank. 

help The RATE THIS QUESTION button Oct 06, 2007 @ 07:19

Rate this question

The "rate this question" button lets you enter feedback on a specific question.

Clicking this button opens a simple form that prompts you for different categories of feedback. Use the drop-down menus to choose your ratings for the questions.

Overall Rating: if you thought this was the best question ever, choose "excellent." If you thought it sucked, choose "awful." If you thought that, overall, it was somewhere in the middle, choose one of the ratings in the middle. If you're feeling noncommittal, choose "---." Whatever you choose for the overall rating will be reflected in the Brain-o-Meter for this question (see below).  Finally, during question contests, the overall rating will be used to determine the contest winner. 

Clarity: Was this question clearly worded? Or sounded like written by Yoda was it?   Let us know.

Accuracy: If you spot errors, inaccuracies or blatant falsehoods in a question, please let us know by choosing "not accurate."  If the question is accurate, choose "accurate."  Feel free to expound in the comment box at the bottom of the form.

Relevance: Questions about Harry Potter or quantum physics may be well-worded, entertaining, and accurate, but won't help you pass the boards.  Let us know how relevant you feel this question is to the topic at hand.

Educational Level: is intended for everyone interested in neurology, from medical students to residents, fellows and attendings.  Some questions are better suited for someone studying for USMLE step 1.  Some are better for someone taking the Neurophysiology boards.  Some are just too basic or too esoteric for anyone taking any standardized test.  Let us know where you think this question fits in.  At some point in the future, will offer customized groups of questions specifically tailored for people studying for a particular test.  Your feedback will help toward that end.

Recommended Topic: Sometimes, I think a question might be perfect for someone reviewing physiology, but you might think it would fit better in the "Imaging" category.  Choose the category where you think this question belongs.  If enough people agree on a new category, the question will get relabeled.

Focus: Is the question too specific (e.g., "How many people got neurosyphilis in Manitoba in 1938?")?  Too general (e.g., "Is disease bad?")?  Let us know how specific you think the question is.

Comments:  Enter your free-text feedback in this box. 

Use the Rate this question button, and let your voice be heard.

help The BRAIN-O-METER Oct 06, 2007 @ 07:27

Average user rating for this question = 3.5

The Brain-O-Meter, shown above, lets you know what other users thought about this question.

If a question gets 5 brains (Average user rating for this question = 5), then most people who rated it thought it was excellent.  A question with 0 brains (Average user rating for this question = 0) is considered lousy by most people who rated it.

To add your vote to the Brain-O-Meter, use the "rate this question" button (see above).  The Brain-O-Meter score is equal to the average "overall rating" (see above) from the feedback form.

During question contests, the question that gets the best Brain-O-Meter score wins the prize. 

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