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Motor Cranial Nerves

Last updated on Tuesday, July 9 2013 by jdmiles

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Motor Cranial Nerves

This section describes the cranial nerves that carry motor information. Also discusses corticobulbar pathways.

By the end of this section, make certain that you understand what each of these terms mean, and can apply them appropriately.  If applicable, make sure you can find each item on a whole brain, brain section, or image of a brain.

  • autonomic nervous system
  • medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF)
  • conjugate eye movements
  • extraocular eye muscles
  • superior rectus muscle
  • inferior rectus muscle
  • medial rectus muscle
  • lateral rectus muscle
  • inferior oblique muscle
  • superior oblique muscle 
  • ciliary ganglion
  • constrictor muscles of the iris
  • diplopia
  • otic ganglion
  • strabismus
  • mydriasis
  • miosis
  • decussation of the trochlear nerve
  • mandibular division of nerve V (V3)
  • corneal reflex
  • motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve (Vm)
  • sublingual salivary gland
  • lacrimal gland
  • facial nerve
  • nucleus ambiguus
  • facial colliculus
  • spinal accessory nucleus & nerve (XI)
  • trapezius muscle
  • foramen magnum
  • corticobulbar pathways
  • denervation atrophy
  • parasympathetic postganglionic neurons
  • parasympathetic preganglionic neuons
  • oculomotor nucleus and nerve (III)
  • Edinger-Westphal nucleus
  • ciliary muscles
  • interpeduncular fossa
  • ptosis
  • levator palpebrae superioris
  • trochlear nucleus and nerve (IV)
  • abducens nucleus and nerve (VI)
  • cerebello-pontine angle
  • pontomedullary junction
  • submandibular and sublingual salivary glands
  • submandibular (parasympathetic) ganglion
  • superior salivatory nucleus
  • inferior salivatory nucleus
  • dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus
  • parotid salivary gland
  • hypoglossal nucleus and nerve (XII)
  • sternocleidomastoid muscle
  • jugular foramen
  • paresis
  • understand the clinical differences between an UMN and LMN lesion, and the anatomical reasons for those differences

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