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Last updated on Tuesday, July 9 2013 by jdmiles

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A description of the anatomy and function of the cerebellum.

By the end of this section, make certain that you understand what each of these terms mean, and can apply them appropriately.  If applicable, make sure you can find each item on a whole brain, brain section, or image of a brain.

  • vermis of cerebellum
  • folia
  • anterior lobe of cerebellum
  • spinocerebellar
  • muscle spindles
  • flocculus
  • flocculo-nodular lobe
  • archicerebellum
  • neocerebellum
  • basilar pontine nuclei
  • cerebellar cortex
  • inferior cerebellar peduncle
  • middle cerebellar peduncle
  • superior cerebellar peduncle
  • deep cerebellar nuclei (intracerebellar nuclei)
  • fastigial nucleus
  • emboliform nucleus
  • decussation of the brachia conjunctiva
  • granule cells/layer
  • climbing fibers
  • olivocerebellar fibers
  • nucleus dorsalis (Clarke's column)
  • cuneo-cerebellar tract
  • lateral (accessory) cuneate nucleus
  • asynergia
  • nystagmus
  • ataxia
  • granule cells/layer
  • hemispheres of the cerebellum
  • primary fissure of the cerebellum
  • posterolateral fissure of the cerebellum
  • paleocerebellum
  • Golgi tendon organ (GTO)
  • nodulus
  • vestibular cerebellum
  • posterior lobe of cerebellum
  • pontocerebellum
  • cortico-ponto-cerebellar pathway
  • medullary core of cerebellum
  • restiform body
  • brachium pontis
  • brachium conjuctivum
  • globose nucleus
  • dentate nucleus
  • Purkinje cells
  • Purkinje cell layer
  • mossy fibers
  • decussation of the superior cerebellar peduncle
  • dorsal spinocerebellar tract
  • ventral spinocerebellar tract
  • trigeminocerebellar tract
  • hypotonia
  • tremor of intent
  • dysarthria
  • parallel fibers

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