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The Brainstem

Last updated on Sunday, September 14 2014 by jdmiles

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The Brainstem

An introductory overview of the brainstem 



By the end of this section, make certain that you understand what each of these terms mean, and can apply them appropriately.  If applicable, make sure you can find each item on a whole brain, brain section, or image of a brain.

  • basis pedunculi
  • cerebral peduncle
  • closed medulla
  • crebellar peduncles
  • crus cerebri
  • inferior colliculi
  • inferior olivary nuclei
  • olives
  • open medulla
  • periaqueductal gray
  • pyramids
  • quadrigeminal plate
  • red nucleus
  • reticular formation
  • superior colliculi
  • tectum
  • tegmentum


Section 1: Overview and Surface Anatomy

Section 2: Looking at the Brain from Different Angles

Section 3: Neuroanatomy Landmarks: Ventricles

Section 4: Neuroanatomy Landmarks: Diencephalon

Section 5: Neuroanatomy Landmarks: Basal Ganglia

Section 6: The Brainstem

Section 7: Vasculature of the Brain

Section 8: Cranial Nerves


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If you have any questions regarding this section, please ask them in the Neuroanatomy User Forum, or in the comments section at the bottom of this page.

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