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Peripheral Nervous System and Neurologic Exam - Question 6
Absent reflexes are most characteristic of:  
Peripheral Nervous System and Neurologic Exam - Question 2
Which of the following is not a disease process within the peripheral nervous system  
Peripheral Nervous System and Neurologic Exam - Question 1
Which of the following is not considered part of the peripheral nervous system  
Electromyography and Neuromuscular Disorders - Chapter 2 Quiz - Question 1
Which of the following is not considered part of the peripheral nervous system  
EMG Findings 01
In the needle EMG study shown in the video above, the finding of motor unit action potentials that are large, long, and polyphasic would be most consistent with which of the following  
Upper extremity muscle function and innervation 04
During a needle EMG of the upper extremity, you notice a large number of fibrillations in the pronator teres muscle while the patient is at rest.
From this, you deduce that the patient has a lesion. Of the following options, which lesion is most compatible with the EMG findings  
Upper extremity muscle function and innervation 04
During a needle EMG of the upper extremity, you notice a large number of fibrillations in the pronator teres muscle while the patient is at rest.
From this, you deduce that the patient has a lesion. Of the following options, which lesion is most compatible with the EMG findings  
Upper extremity muscle function and innervation 03
During a needle EMG of the upper extremity, you notice a large number of fibrillations in the first dorsal interosseous muscle while the patient is at rest.
From this, you deduce that the patient has a lesion. Of the following options, which lesion is most compatible with the EMG findings  
Upper extremity muscle function and innervation 03
During a needle EMG of the upper extremity, you notice a large number of fibrillations in the first dorsal interosseous muscle while the patient is at rest.
From this, you deduce that the patient has a lesion. Of the following options, which lesion is most compatible with the EMG findings  
Upper extremity muscle function and innervation 02
During a needle EMG, you notice a large number of fibrillations in the abductor pollicis brevis muscle while the patient is at rest.
From this, you deduce that the patient has a lesion. Of the following options, which lesion is most compatible with the EMG findings  
Upper extremity muscle function and innervation 02
During a needle EMG, you notice a large number of fibrillations in the abductor pollicis brevis muscle while the patient is at rest.
From this, you deduce that the patient has a lesion. Of the following options, which lesion is most compatible with the EMG findings  
Online Course Content
Semitendonosus Muscle Name: semitendonosusAKA: musculus semitendinosusAbbreviation: STSpinal Nerve Roots: L4 L5 S1Plexus: lumbosacral plexusNamed Nerves: sciatic nerve (tibial division)Proximal Attachment: ischial tuberosityDistal Attachment: ...  
Semimembranosus Muscle Name: semimembranosusAKA: musculus semimembranosusAbbreviation: SMSpinal Nerve Roots: L4 L5 S1Plexus: lumbosacral plexusNamed Nerves: sciatic nerve (tibial division)Proximal Attachment: Ischial tuberosityDistal Attachment: ...  
Rectus Femoris Muscle Name: rectus femorisAKA: Abbreviation: RFSpinal Nerve Roots: L2 L3 L4Plexus: lumbar plexusNamed Nerves: femoral nerveProximal Attachment: Anterior inferior iliac spine and the acetabulumDistal Attachment: Patellar tendonAction:...  
Peroneus Longus Muscle Name: peroneus longusAKA: musculus peroneus longusAbbreviation: PLSpinal Nerve Roots: L5 S1Plexus: lumbosacral plexusNamed Nerves: superficial peroneal nerve common peroneal nerve sciatic nerveProximal Attachment: ...  
Iliacus Muscle Name: iliacusAKA: musculus iliacusAbbreviation: IPSpinal Nerve Roots: L2 L3 L4Plexus: lumbar plexusNamed Nerves: femoral nerveProximal Attachment: Iliiac fossaDistal Attachment: Lesser trochanter of the femurAction: Flexion...  
Gluteus Maximus Muscle Name: gluteus maximusAKA: musculus gluteus maximusAbbreviation: GMAXSpinal Nerve Roots: L5 S1 S2Plexus: lumbosacral plexusNamed Nerves: inferior gluteal nerveProximal Attachment: Gluteal surface of ilium, lumbar...  
Gluteus Medius Muscle Name: gluteus mediusAKA: musculus gluteus medius Abbreviation: GMEDSpinal Nerve Roots: L4 L5 S1Plexus: lumbosacral plexusNamed Nerves: superior gluteal nerveProximal Attachment: The gluteal surface of the ilium, deep to the gluteus maximus...  
Gastrocnemius - Medial Head Muscle Name: gastrocnemius - medial headAKA: Abbreviation: MGSpinal Nerve Roots: S1 S2Plexus: lumbosacral plexusNamed Nerves: tibial nerve sciatic nerveProximal Attachment: Medial condyle of the femur.Distal Attachment: CalcaneusAction:...  
Gastrocnemius - Lateral Head Muscle Name: gastrocnemius - lateral headAKA: Abbreviation: LGSpinal Nerve Roots: S1 S2Plexus: lumbosacral plexusNamed Nerves: tibial nerve sciatic nerveProximal Attachment: Lateral condyle of the femurDistal Attachment: CalcaneusAction:...  
Flexor Digitorum Longus Muscle Name: flexor digitorum longusAKA: Abbreviation: FDLSpinal Nerve Roots: L5 S1Plexus: lumbosacral plexusNamed Nerves: tibial nerve sciatic nerveProximal Attachment: Posterior surface of the tibia.Distal Attachment: Base...  
Extensor Hallucis Longus Muscle Name: extensor hallucis longusAKA: musculus extensor hallucis longusAbbreviation: EHLSpinal Nerve Roots: L4 L5 S1Plexus: lumbosacral plexusNamed Nerves: deep peroneal nerve common peroneal nerve sciatic nerveProximal...  
Biceps Femoris - Short Head Muscle Name: biceps femoris - short headAKA: Abbreviation: BF-SHSpinal Nerve Roots: L5 S1Plexus: lumbosacral plexusNamed Nerves: sciatic nerve (peroneal division)Proximal Attachment: Lateral edge of the linea aspera and the upper portion of the supracondylar line...  
Biceps Femoris - Long Head Muscle Name: biceps femoris - long headAKA: musculus biceps femoris longusAbbreviation: BF-LHSpinal Nerve Roots: L5 S1Plexus: lumbosacral plexusNamed Nerves: sciatic nerve (tibial division)Proximal Attachment: ischial tuberosity and...  
Adductor Longus Muscle Name: adductor longusAKA: Abbreviation: ALSpinal Nerve Roots: L2 L3 L4Plexus: lumbar plexusNamed Nerves: obturator nerveProximal Attachment: pubic crestDistal Attachment: into the mid lenea aspera between the adductor...  
Extensor Digitorum Brevis Muscle Name: extensor digitorum brevisAKA: musculus extensor digitorum brevisAbbreviation: EDBSpinal Nerve Roots: L4 L5 S1Plexus: lumbosacral plexusNamed Nerves: deep peroneal nerve common peroneal nerve sciatic nerveProximal...  
Abductor Hallucis Brevis Muscle Name: abductor hallucis brevisAKA: musculus abductor hallucisAbbreviation: AHBSpinal Nerve Roots: S1 S2Plexus: lumbosacral plexusNamed Nerves: medial plantar nerve tibial nerve sciatic nerveProximal Attachment: Tuberosity...  
Abductor Digiti Quinti Pedis Muscle Name: abductor digiti quinti pedisAKA: Abductor digiti minimi pedis, Abductor minimi digiti, Abductor digiti quinti, musculus abductor digiti minimi pedisAbbreviation: ADQPSpinal Nerve Roots: S1 S2Plexus: lumbosacral plexusNamed Nerves: ...  
Tensor Fasciae Latae Muscle Name: tensor fasciae lataeAKA: Abbreviation: TFLSpinal Nerve Roots: L4 L5 S1Plexus: lumbosacral plexusNamed Nerves: superior gluteal nerveProximal Attachment: Distal Attachment: Action: ...Needle Insertion: ...Activation for EMG: Pitfalls: Notes:  
Vastus Lateralis Muscle Name: vastus lateralisAKA: Abbreviation: VLSpinal Nerve Roots: L2 L3 L4Plexus: lumbar plexusNamed Nerves: femoral nerveProximal Attachment: Distal Attachment: Action: ...Needle Insertion: ...Activation for EMG: Pitfalls: Notes:  
Spinal Nerve Roots Choose A Spinal Segment: Cervical: C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 Thoracic: T1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 Lumbar: L1 L2 L3 L4 ...  
Tibialis Anterior Muscle Name: tibialis anteriorAKA: Abbreviation: TASpinal Nerve Roots: L4 L5Plexus: lumbosacral plexusNamed Nerves: deep peroneal nerve common peroneal nerve sciatic nerveProximal Attachment: Distal Attachment: Action: ...  
Extensor Digitorum Longus Muscle Name: extensor digitorum longusAKA: musculus extensor digitorum longusAbbreviation: EDLSpinal Nerve Roots: L4 L5 S1 Plexus: lumbosacral plexusNamed Nerves: deep peroneal nerve common peroneal nerve sciatic nerveProximal...  
Flexor Hallucis Brevis Muscle Name: flexor hallucis brevisAKA: musculus flexor hallucis brevisAbbreviation: FHBSpinal Nerve Roots: S1 S2Plexus: lumbosacral plexusNamed Nerves: medial plantar nerve tibial nerve sciatic nerveProximal Attachment: ...  
Vastus Medialis Muscle Name: vastus medialisAKA: Abbreviation: VMSpinal Nerve Roots: L2 L3 L4Plexus: lumbar plexusNamed Nerves: femoral nerveProximal Attachment: Distal Attachment: Action: ...Needle Insertion: ...Activation for EMG: Pitfalls: Notes:  
Soleus Muscle Name: soleusAKA: Abbreviation: SOLSpinal Nerve Roots: S1 S2Plexus: lumbosacral plexusNamed Nerves: tibial nerve sciatic nerveProximal Attachment: Distal Attachment: Action: ...Needle Insertion: ...Activation for EMG: Pitfalls: Notes:  
Tibialis Posterior Muscle Name: tibialis posteriorAKA: Abbreviation: TPSpinal Nerve Roots: L5 S1Plexus: lumbosacral plexusNamed Nerves: tibial nerve sciatic nerveProximal Attachment: Distal Attachment: Action: ...Needle Insertion: ...Activation for EMG: Pitfalls: Notes:  
Sternocleidomastoid Muscle Name: sternocleidomastoidAKA: Abbreviation: SCM Spinal Nerve Roots:Brachial Plexus Trunks: NABrachial Plexus Cords: NA Named Nerves: Accessory nerve Proximal Attachment: Distal Attachment: Action: Needle Insertion: ...  
Serratus Anterior Muscle Name: serratus anteriorAKA: Abbreviation: Spinal Nerve Roots: C5 C6 C7Brachial Plexus Trunks: NABrachial Plexus Cords: NANamed Nerves: long thoracic nerve Proximal Attachment: Surface of the upper 8 ribs.Distal Attachment: ...  
Rhomboid Muscle Name: RhomboidAKA: musculus rhomboideus majorAbbreviation: Spinal Nerve Roots: C4 C5Brachial Plexus Trunks: NABrachial Plexus Cords: NA Named Nerves: dorsal scapular nerve Proximal Attachment: Spinous processes of the T2 to...  
Triceps Muscle Name: tricepsAKA: musculus triceps brachiiAbbreviation: Spinal Nerve Roots: C6 C7 C8Brachial Plexus Trunks: upper trunk middle trunk lower trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: posterior cordNamed Nerves: radial nerveProximal...  
Pectoralis Major Muscle Name: pectoralis majorAKA: Musculus pectoralis majorAbbreviation: Spinal Nerve Roots: C5 C6 C7 C8 T1 Brachial Plexus Trunks: upper trunk middle trunk lower trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: medial cord...  
Latissimus Dorsi Muscle Name: latissimus dorsi AKA: musculus latissimus dorsiAbbreviation: Spinal Nerve Roots: C6 C7 C8 Brachial Plexus Trunks: upper trunk middle trunk lower trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: posterior cordNamed Nerves: ...  
Infraspinatus Muscle Name: InfraspinatusAKA: Abbreviation: Spinal Nerve Roots: C5 C6Brachial Plexus Trunks: upperBrachial Plexus Cords: NANamed Nerves: suprascapular nerve Proximal Attachment: infraspinous fossa of the scapulaDistal Attachment: ...  
Cervical Paraspinal Muscles Muscle Name: cervical paraspinal musclesAKA: Abbreviation: Spinal Nerve Roots: Innervated by the dorsal rami of the corresponding spinal level.Brachial Plexus Trunks: NABrachial Plexus Cords: NA Named Nerves: NA Attachment:...  
Trapezius Muscle Name: trapeziusAKA: Abbreviation: Spinal Nerve Roots: Brachial Plexus Trunks:Brachial Plexus Cords: Named Nerves: Proximal Attachment: Distal Attachment: Action: Needle Insertion: Activation for EMG: Pitfalls: Notes:  
Teres Minor Muscle Name: teres minorAKA: Abbreviation: Spinal Nerve Roots: C5 C6Brachial Plexus Trunks: upper trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: posterior cordNamed Nerves: axillary nerveProximal Attachment: Distal Attachment: Action: ...  
Supraspinatus Muscle Name: supraspinatusAKA: Abbreviation: Spinal Nerve Roots: Brachial Plexus Trunks:Brachial Plexus Cords: Named Nerves: Proximal Attachment: Distal Attachment: Action: Needle Insertion: Activation for EMG: Pitfalls: Notes:  
Pronator Quadratus Muscle Name: pronator quadratusAKA: musculus pronator quadratusAbbreviation: PQSpinal Nerve Roots: C7 C8 T1Brachial Plexus Trunks: middle trunk lower trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: medial cord lateral cordNamed Nerves: ...  
Biceps Brachii Muscle Name: biceps brachiiAKA: musculus biceps brachii Abbreviation: BBSpinal Nerve Roots: C5 C6Brachial Plexus Trunks: upper trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: lateral cordNamed Nerves: musculocutaneous nerveProximal Attachment: coracoid process of the scapula...  
Supinator Muscle Name: supinatorAKA: Musculus supinatorAbbreviation: Spinal Nerve Roots: C6 C7Brachial Plexus Trunks: upper trunk middle trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: posterior cordNamed Nerves: radial nerveProximal Attachment: Lateral...  
First Dorsal Interosseous Muscle Name: first dorsal interosseousAKA: Abbreviation: FDISpinal Nerve Roots: C8 T1Brachial Plexus Trunks: lower trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: medial cordNamed Nerves: ulnar nerveProximal Attachment: metacarpal bone.Distal Attachment: proximal phalanx on the first digit...  
Flexor Pollicis Brevis Muscle Name: flexor pollicis brevisAKA: musculus flexor pollicis brevisAbbreviation: FPB Spinal Nerve Roots: C8 T1Brachial Plexus Trunks: lower trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: medial cordNamed Nerves: median nerve ulnar nerveProximal...  
Flexor Digitorum Profundus To Digit 5 Muscle Name: flexor digitorum profundus to digit 5AKA: musculus flexor digitorum profundus Abbreviation: FDP5Spinal Nerve Roots: C7 C8 T1Brachial Plexus Trunks: lower trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: medial cordNamed Nerves: ...  
Flexor Digitorum Profundus To Digit 4 Muscle Name: flexor digitorum profundus to digit 4AKA: musculus flexor digitorum profundus Abbreviation: FDP4Spinal Nerve Roots: C7 C8 T1Brachial Plexus Trunks: lower trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: medial cordNamed Nerves: ulnar...  
Flexor Digitorum Profundus To Digit 2 Muscle Name: flexor digitorum profundus to digit 2AKA: musculus flexor digitorum profundusAbbreviation: FDP2Spinal Nerve Roots: C7 C8 T1Brachial Plexus Trunks: lower trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: medial cordNamed Nerves: median...  
Flexor Digitorum Profundus To Digit 3 Muscle Name: flexor digitorum profundus to digit 3AKA: musculus flexor digitorum profundusAbbreviation: FDP3Spinal Nerve Roots: C7 C8 T1Brachial Plexus Trunks: lower trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: medial cordNamed Nerves: median...  
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Muscle Name: flexor carpi ulnarisAKA: musculus flexor carpi ulnarisAbbreviation: FCRSpinal Nerve Roots: C7 C8 T1Brachial Plexus Trunks: lower trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: medial cordNamed Nerves: ulnar nerveProximal Attachment: ...  
Flexor Carpi Radialis Muscle Name: flexor carpi radialisAKA: musculus flexor carpi radialisAbbreviation: FCRSpinal Nerve Roots: C6 C7Brachial Plexus Trunks: upper trunk middle trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: lateral cordNamed Nerves: median nerveProximal...  
Extensor Pollicis Longus Muscle Name: extensor pollicis longusAKA: musculus extensor pollicis longusAbbreviation: EPLSpinal Nerve Roots: C7 C8Brachial Plexus Trunks: middle trunk lower trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: posterior cordNamed Nerves: radial...  
Extensor Pollicis Brevis Muscle Name: extensor pollicis brevisAKA: musculus extensor pollicis brevisAbbreviation: EPBSpinal Nerve Roots: C7 C8Brachial Plexus Trunks: middle trunk lower trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: posterior cordNamed Nerves: radial...  
Extensor Indicis Muscle Name: extensor indicisAKA: musculus extensor indicisAbbreviation: EIPSpinal Nerve Roots: C7 C8Brachial Plexus Trunks: middle trunk lower trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: posterior cordNamed Nerves: radial nerveProximal Attachment: ...  
Extensor Digitorum Communis Muscle Name: extensor digitorum communis AKA: musculus extensor digitorumAbbreviation: EDCSpinal Nerve Roots: C7 C8Brachial Plexus Trunks: middle trunk lower trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: posterior cordNamed Nerves: radial nerveProximal...  
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Muscle Name: extensor carpi ulnarisAKA: musculus extensor carpi ulnarisAbbreviation: ECUSpinal Nerve Roots: C7 C8Brachial Plexus Trunks: middle trunk lower trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: posterior cordNamed Nerves: radial nerveProximal...  
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus Muscle Name: extensor carpi radialis longusAKA: Abbreviation: Spinal Nerve Roots: C5 C6 C7Brachial Plexus Trunks: upper trunk middle trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: posterior cordNamed Nerves: radial nerveProximal Attachment: ...  
Deltoid Muscle Name: deltoidAKA: musculus deltoideusAbbreviation: Spinal Nerve Roots: C5 C6Brachial Plexus Trunks: upper trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: posterior cordNamed Nerves: axillary nerveProximal Attachment: clavicle, acromion, spine...  
Viral Infections The most common causes of viral meningitis in the U.S. are nonpolio enteroviruses (coxsackie and echovirus), which often occur in summer and early fall. Infection is by the fecal-oral route, with primary viral replication in the GI and upper respiratory tracts...  
Bacterial Infections Meningitis means inflammation of the meninges, usually (but not necessarily) due to infection. Although inflammation may selectively involve the dura (pachymeningitis), it more commonly affects the pia and arachnoid membranes (leptomeningitis). Because the...  
Tumors III: Non-glial tumors Meningiomas are the most common extraparenchymal neoplasms affecting the CNS, accounting for approximately 20% of intracranial tumors. They occur predominantly in middle to late adult life, and tend to involve the cerebral convexity, parasagittal region, sphenoid ridge or spinal cord...  
Brachioradialis Muscle Name: brachioradialisAKA: musculus brachioradialisAbbreviation: Spinal Nerve Roots: C5 C6Brachial Plexus Trunks: upper trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: posterior cordNamed Nerves: radial nerveProximal Attachment: Lateral supracondylar...  
Anconeus Muscle Name: anconeusAKA: musculus anconeusAbbreviation:  Spinal Nerve Roots:  C6  C7  C8Brachial Plexus Trunks:  upper trunk  middle trunk  lower trunkBrachial Plexus Cords:  posterior cordNamed...  
Anconeus Muscle Name: anconeusAKA: musculus anconeusAbbreviation:  Spinal Nerve Roots:  C6  C7  C8Brachial Plexus Trunks:  upper trunk  middle trunk  lower trunkBrachial Plexus Cords:  posterior cordNamed...  
Anconeus Muscle Name: anconeusAKA: musculus anconeusAbbreviation: Spinal Nerve Roots: C6 C7 C8Brachial Plexus Trunks: upper trunk middle trunk lower trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: posterior cordNamed Nerves: radial nerveProximal...  
Abductor Digiti Minimi Muscle Name: abductor digiti minimiAKA: musculus abductor digiti minimi manusAbbreviation: ADMSpinal Nerve Roots: C8 T1Brachial Plexus Trunks: lower trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: medial cordNamed Nerves: ulnar nerveProximal Attachment: ...  
A few words about Bacterial Meningitis Meningitis means inflammation of the meninges, usually (but not necessarily) due to infection. Although inflammation may selectively involve the dura (pachymeningitis), it more commonly affects the pia and arachnoid membranes (leptomeningitis). Because the...  
Viral Encephalitis A. Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Encephalitis 1. Pathogenesis HSV-1 encephalitis is the most common cause of acute sporadic encephalitis in the U.S. It typically causes lip and mouth lesions (herpes labialis and stomatitis). Note the distinction from HSV-2,...  
Opponens Pollicis Muscle Name: opponens pollicisAKA: Abbreviation: Spinal Nerve Roots: C8 T1Brachial Plexus Trunks: lower trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: medial cordNamed Nerves: median nerveProximal Attachment: Trapezium and transverse carpal ligament...  
Abductor Pollicis Brevis Muscle Name: abductor pollicis brevisAKA: Abbreviation: APBSpinal Nerve Roots: C8 T1Brachial Plexus Trunks: lower trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: medial cordNamed Nerves: median nerveProximal Attachment: Transverse carpal ligament, the...  
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Muscle Name: flexor digitorum superficialisAKA: Flexor digitorum sublimisAbbreviation: FDSSpinal Nerve Roots: C7 C8 T1Brachial Plexus Trunks: middle trunk lower trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: medial cord lateral cordNamed...  
Pronator Teres Muscle Name: pronator teresAKA: Abbreviation: Spinal Nerve Roots: C6 C7Brachial Plexus Trunks: upper trunk middle trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: lateral cordNamed Nerves: median nerveProximal Attachment: Humeral head: medial...  
Flexor Pollicis Longus Muscle Name: flexor pollicis longusAKA: Abbreviation: FPLSpinal Nerve Roots: C7 C8 T1Brachial Plexus Trunks: middle trunk lower trunkBrachial Plexus Cords: medial cord lateral cordNamed Nerves: anterior interosseous...  
Leptomeningeal gliomatosis in a patient with brainstem glioma, gross photograph of cauda equina (image)
Medulloblastoma, leptomeningeal dissemination, ventral surface of spinal cord. (image)
Tuberculous meningitis, ventral surface of brain (image)
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